The Informer


All sexed up for Chinese New year?!!

Lol, I guess not~

Assignments are piling up like a stack of books just waiting to come tumbling down like and avalanche. I got to interview an English teacher for EDU, write a journal and present on some yet-to-be-known topic for Reading, Study on Phrases and Clauses and highlight all the grammatical shit from a passage or text for Grammar, make slides on postgraduate unemployment for TPI, Memorise a story and improvise shit for Language and Drama.. Haish, what else??

But yeah, we can lepak as always right? Gossip at Pelita?.... Lol, ape cer?!!.. "Ugh, love it~"(As Alep says)..

Lol, just had a bowl... No, two, of my mum's delicious spaghetti.. It's been a long time since I ate spaghetti. Vitagen to top things up with.


Owh yeah! You simply HAVE to read this book!!!
It's simply DELICIOUS!!!


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